I'm a photographer focused on environmental storytelling, with a particular interest in human stories that help reflect upon the unique relationships one can have with the natural world. Whether that may be the experience of living along a body of water or harvesting your own food, everyone's connection to their environment is bound to be different, even for those living within the same space.
I believe that science communication is a critical element for translating research discoveries to policy implementation and culture shifts, both of which will be required in order to approach the global environmental challenges that plague the world today. I am working towards becoming as best of a science communicator as one can be, with a dual interest in both the academic pursuit of environmental science (and its relevant fields) and the creative development of my visual art.
Photography is at the heart of all of my interests, as this site may show. Aside from environmental work, I have worked as a photographer in other contexts, such as sports. I hope to continue to expand my range of experience in photography, as I believe some of the best photographers are created from their trans-disciplinary backgrounds. 
If you like what you see here, or simply want to get in touch, feel free to shoot me an email or a message on social media! You can find my contact information here.
All the best,
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